Monday, January 21, 2008


Dear Ollie:

Billy Clyde owes you an apology.

The harshly worded memo I sent you on Saturday was completely off base. Tired and frustrated after a grueling day of travel in some pretty nasty weather (it sleets in Atlanta? WTF!), I didn't pay real close attention to the article about our movie about President George W. Bush.

Josh Brolin and James Brolin are two totally different people. One is an up-and-coming actor you want to portray W. The other is some dude who for some reason married Barbara Streisand. I knew all that. I just wasn't thinking.

It was particularly rude of me to go off like I did after you have been so accommodating to me in all the other casting decisions -- many of which you initially found questionable -- and the last thing I want to do is second guess your movie-making skills or violate my confidentiality agreement.

Words can't express my sincere pleasure that you acquiesced and agreed to cast Beyonce as Condi Rice and Don Rickles as Vice President Cheney. You won't be sorry. To be fair, I caved on several of your big-ticket decisions: Jimmy Walker as Colin Powell still seems like a stretch, and Hulk Hogan as Karen Hughes just ... well, we've been over this. But hey, you're the pro.

As per your instructions, I had a sit-down with Mary Tyler Moore's agent. MTM is on board She'll make a great Laura Bush. I also -- gently -- broke the news to Bea Arthur that the Harriet Miers role has been cut from the script. She took it pretty well.

Outside of a little more script-doctoring, it seems the only big-ticket item left on the table is the film's title. Billy Clyde will acknowledge that "George Washington and George W: Two Peas In A Pod" is a little over the top. But your idea, "George Bush, 43rd Biggest Goober In American History" won't work either. Let's find a happy medium.

This project is starting to jell like a bat outta hell. Keep up the good work. And BC will try to contribute as well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The W White House: A testament to the life and times of Charlie McCarthy.